4 모델 조립 가능

This plastic kit allows you to assemble four epic scale Drop Pods for your Legiones Astartes army in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis games. These Drop Pods can be built as either standard Dreadnought Drop Pods or specialized Palisade Drop Pods.
    Dreadnought Drop Pods:
o    Heavy-duty atmospheric assault transports for Dreadnoughts.
o    Feature a detailed interior with three opening armored doors that can function as ramps.
    Palisade Drop Pods (alternate build):
o    Replace the Dreadnought interior with a sophisticated shield generator.
    4x Epic Scale Plastic Drop Pods (selectable as Dreadnought or Palisade)
    1x Legions Imperialis Legion Vehicle Transfer Sheet (1130 decals)
    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
    Doors can be built open or closed, even mid-battle with glueless assembly.
    Rules for using Dreadnought Drop Pods and Palisade Drop Pods are found in a separate product, Legions Imperialis: The Great Slaughter.

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