모델 조립 가능

본 제품은 조립과 페인팅을 필요로 하는 [플라스틱 제품]이며 완성에는 기본적인 공구와 접착제, 페인트를 필요로 합니다.

워해머 AOS 를 플레이 하시려면 반드시 룰시트와 워스크롤이 필요합니다.

This product is a multipart plastic kit that allows you to assemble the character, Ionus Cryptborn, known for his strategic acumen on the battlefield. The character, once assembled, represents a legendary leader of the Stormcast Eternals, mounted on a Draconith, and equipped with the Soulbreaker weapon.
The kit includes 48 plastic components and is accompanied by a Citadel 100mm round base. Please note that the miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. For best results, we recommend using Citadel Colour paints for painting. Please be aware that these additional materials are not included in the kit.

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