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This exceptional 20 figure set of 28mm hard plastic miniatures is supberly detailed figures and includes a myriad of additional parts, allowing for hundreds of options when assembling.

Not only does this set include an extensive range of Celtic armour and weapons, it also includes severed heads, ornaments, ribbons and javelin cases to enhance the authenticity of the chariots. This set is fully supported by LBMS.

Please note that this set does require assembling. Instructions are provided.


Whats in the box?

3 x Chariots

20 x Figures

6 x Drivers

8 x Armoured fighting crew

3 x Boudiceas

3 x Druids

8 x Body options

2 x Cloaks

14 x Head options

14 x Unsheathed Swords

20 x Javelins

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베이스는 포함되어 있지 않으며 별도 구매 하셔야 합니다.

고대 시대를 배경으로 게임을 플레이 하시려면 반드시 Hail Caesar 룰북이 필요합니다.