본 제품은 Black Seas 에서 사용하는 상선 세트입니다.

레진/메탈 제품은 휘어지거나 유실된 디테일을 직접 수정하거나 제작하셔야 하며 이는 제품의 불량이 아닙니다. 

모델링 스킬이 낮은 분들은 구매를 권장하지 않습니다. 

자세한 내용물은 아래와 같습니다.

Merchant vessels were not designed for combat. They were slow lumbering vessels designed to have a large capacity for transporting goods but at the sacrifice of manoeuvrability.

In Black Seas there are many scenarios that necessitate the use of merchant vessels. Scenario 4 - Blood & Plunder! (Page 41 Black Seas rulebook), see two opposing privateer fleets attempt to claim the contents of merchant vessels for their own, whereas Scenario 9 - Landing Expedition (Page 46 Black Seas rulebook) sees merchant vessels loaded with troops attempting to cross hostile waters and disgorge their loads onto a contested island.

For an alternative use of the merchant vessels, consider the Smugglers Run free downloadable campaign.

The kit contains one large and one small merchant vessel, each customisable with optional figureheads.

Contains 2 resin and metal vessels.