3 모델 조립 가능

본 제품은 조립과 페인팅을 필요로 하는 [플라스틱 제품]이며 완성에는 기본적인 공구와 접착제, 페인트를 필요로 합니다.

The set includes:

- 1x rapid fire battlecannon with heavy stubber
- 1x thermal cannon
- 1x avenger gatling cannon
- 3x left-handed thunderstrike gauntlets
- 3x right-handed thunderstrike gauntlets
- 3x rocket pods
- 3x reaper chainswords
- 3x heavy stubbers
- 3x meltaguns
- 6x heads
- 3x tilting plates
- 3x Legions Imperialis 40mm Round Bases
- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Knight Houses transfer sheet
- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Questoris Knight Command Terminal

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.