12 모델 조립 가능

4 Bloaters, 2 Pestigor and 6 Rotters. 

There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins in the shape of Nurgle’s icon and 4 balls – 2 of these are being chomped upon by a cheeky Nurgling, and 2 have… something… emerging from them, all gribbly teeth and eldritch horror. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases, a 1,000,000 GP roster and a Nurgle transfer sheet.

본 제품은 조립과 페인팅을 필요로 하는 [플라스틱 제품]이며 완성에는 기본적인 공구와 접착제페인트를 필요로 합니다.


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